Friday 22 April 2011

Useful to know. Полезно знать.

Virtual keyboard

It could be useful to have a Russian virtual keyboard for example the one that is proposed by the Windows. You do not need to install anything as the keyboard is inculed into the system.

First of all you should add the Russian language:

Start -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Keyboards and Languages -> Change Keyboadrs -> Add -> Select Russian -> ok -> ok

Now by pressing "Alt" and "Shift" simultaniously you'll switch the language.

Open a virtual keyboard:

If you are on Windows 7, you can simply push "Start" and type "keyboard". In proposed programs choose "virtual keyboard" or "on-screen keyboard". By switching the language by Alt + Shift, the language of the virtual keyboard will be also switched.


  • To translate some phraces you can use the Google Translate, but trust me, google translation TO Russian is horrible.
  • Good and simle dictionary is proposed my Lingvo and Yandex, you'll have a translation to many languages. Moreover they have they own embedded virtual keyboart. Click on the "клавиатура" in the search bar to have a keyboard. Click "найти" to translate.
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Monday 18 April 2011

Alphabet. Алфавит.

You know, Russian people use the Cyrillic alphabet that is a kind of mix of Latin and Greek. It's important to know it at least to be able to understand pannels if one day you are in Russia =) It isn't so hard. I've chosen some nice pictures from russian ABC book.

Before to get started you can print a support document to make notes. File => Print (PDF)


А sounds like a french "A" (bra, Amerique, mama). The English word that gives a similas sound is "proud". On the picture we see the stork - Аист.

Б sounds same as a french "B" (bra, barbe) or as an Enlish one in the name Bob. On the picture we the the squirrel - Белка.


B is pronounsed as "V", like Volvo. On the picture you have a crow - Ворона.

Г corresponds to the Gamma in Greek (Γγ) and pronounces like "G" in globe or a dog. On the picture you have some mushrooms - Грибы.


Д came from the Greek language where it's called Delta (Δδ). Pronounced like a latin D, but a little stronger. On the picture we see a house - Дом.

The nearest sound for Е is the first one in the word "Yes". On the picture you have a big Christmas tree that is still in the forest - Ель.


Ё is often written as E, but the pronounciation is different. It looks more like the first sound in English "yo" or "yours". On the picture we have a hedgehog - Ёж or ёжик.

Ж pronounsed like a first sound in french names such as Georges and Jean. Here we have a beetle - Жук.


З look like a number 3 and is pronounced as Z in zero or french "s" in poison. Here we have a hare - Заяц.

Don't mix russian И and latin N, moreover И is pronouced like "ee" in the word deep. You should smile while pronounsing it =) Here we have a turkey - Индюк.

Й is the second and the last Russian letter with an acсent. The pronounciation is not far from "Y" in the English Yoghurt - Йогурт.


К is pronounced like the first letter of "cat" or "kiwi". On the picture we have a cat as well - Кот, Кошка.

Л is the same as L, for example in the word "letter". On the picture we see the fox - Лиса.


M is the same as latin M. Examples: mother, mama. Here we have a bear - Медведь - with some huney - Мёд.

It's important to remember that the russian H sound like latin "N" and have nothing similar with the latin "H". Examples: nose, nanorobotes. On the picture we have a fox with forget-me-not flowers - Незабудка.


О is the same as latin O. Here we have a donkey - Ослик.

П came from Greek Pi (Ππ) and pronounsed like a Latin P. Exaples: pappy, papa. On the picture we see a bee - Пчела.


Р is pronounced as Latin R, but the Russian one is quite strong, similar to the Spanish one. Say it like you are imitating a tiger. On the picture we have a fish - Рыба.

In Russian we have the only one C pronounced as "s" in enlish, "ç" or "ss" in French. English: sound, soft, sweet. French: garçon, poisson. On the picture we see an owl - Сова.


Т is the same as Latin "t". Take, type. Here we have a dachshund - Такса.

У is pronounced as French "ou" or not far from the English "oo". Examples: broom, moon, mouiller, fou. On the picture we see a snail - Улитка.


Ф came from Greek Phi (Φφ). Pronounced as latin "f". Examples: funny, fou. Fountain - Фонтан.

Tho sound Х doesn't exist neither in English no in French. Take a deep breath, open you mouth, than breath out strongly - here is the nearest sound. One the picture we see the tail - Хвост.


Ц sound like English "ts" - tsar. Here we have a chick - Цыпленок.

Ч souns as an Eglish "ch" - patch. On the picture we see a tortle - Черепаха.


Ш sound as English "sh" (Shower) or a French "ch" (Chance). On the picture is a cone - Шишка.

Щ is particular, just listen it. Pronounce Ш and smile, it should help for Щ. Pike - Щука.


Ь - soft mark. Make the pronouciation of some letters softer.
Ы is particular. Try to say У and smile. You should get smth similar. Cheese - сЫр.


Ъ - hard mark. Doesn't change any pronouciation, it's useed in a grammatical part.
Э sound like an English A (Apple). Choc-ice - Эскимо.


Ю sounds as English "you". South - Юг.
Я sounds as English "ya". Apple - Яблоко.

Now we know all 33 letters of Russian alphabet, let's start speaking! =)

Friday 15 April 2011

Motivation. Мотивация.

Here I would like to give you a small intoduction. Why do you want to study Russian? If you know "why?", it will be easier to learn. Another thing that can help you is a filing that you like Russian language and Russian culture.

We don't need to go far to have an example: I was studying the English for 10 years at school , but I didn't speak. Then I moved to Finland for my studies where I was obliged to speak English and I realised that for all those years I didn't learn much...but it's ok, I progressed fast being in the international environment. 

I speak just very basic Finnish because I didn't really see the use to know this language. Then I desided to go to France and it took just 1.5 years from my first french class till my first lecture in french in university of Troyes. It was a miracle for me, but, actually, it's just a motivation. I was working every day, had a lot of books and CDs, I took an intencive course in France and lived in my friend place during the summer just because I wanted to speak french so much! I just loved France!

I wish you the same want to learn Russan. You'll see, it isn't so hard =) In Russian we would say:

"Не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют."

It's a proverb. The English one will be the "The lion is not so fierce as painted."

Or the French one: "Le diable n'est pas si noir qu'on le fait."

The exact translation I can give is "The imp is not so fearful as painted", but it doesn't metter you don't understand it for now. See you later!