Friday, 22 April 2011

Useful to know. Полезно знать.

Virtual keyboard

It could be useful to have a Russian virtual keyboard for example the one that is proposed by the Windows. You do not need to install anything as the keyboard is inculed into the system.

First of all you should add the Russian language:

Start -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Keyboards and Languages -> Change Keyboadrs -> Add -> Select Russian -> ok -> ok

Now by pressing "Alt" and "Shift" simultaniously you'll switch the language.

Open a virtual keyboard:

If you are on Windows 7, you can simply push "Start" and type "keyboard". In proposed programs choose "virtual keyboard" or "on-screen keyboard". By switching the language by Alt + Shift, the language of the virtual keyboard will be also switched.


  • To translate some phraces you can use the Google Translate, but trust me, google translation TO Russian is horrible.
  • Good and simle dictionary is proposed my Lingvo and Yandex, you'll have a translation to many languages. Moreover they have they own embedded virtual keyboart. Click on the "клавиатура" in the search bar to have a keyboard. Click "найти" to translate.
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