You know, Russian people use the Cyrillic alphabet that is a kind of mix of Latin and Greek. It's important to know it at least to be able to understand pannels if one day you are in Russia =) It isn't so hard. I've chosen some nice pictures from russian ABC book.
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А sounds like a french "A" (bra, Amerique, mama). The English word that gives a similas sound is "proud". On the picture we see the stork - Аист.
Б sounds same as a french "B" (bra, barbe) or as an Enlish one in the name Bob. On the picture we the the squirrel - Белка.
Д came from the Greek language where it's called Delta (Δδ). Pronounced like a latin D, but a little stronger. On the picture we see a house - Дом.
The nearest sound for Е is the first one in the word "Yes". On the picture you have a big Christmas tree that is still in the forest - Ель.
Ё is often written as E, but the pronounciation is different. It looks more like the first sound in English "yo" or "yours". On the picture we have a hedgehog - Ёж or ёжик.
Ж pronounsed like a first sound in french names such as Georges and Jean. Here we have a beetle - Жук.
З look like a number 3 and is pronounced as Z in zero or french "s" in poison. Here we have a hare - Заяц.
Don't mix russian И and latin N, moreover И is pronouced like "ee" in the word deep. You should smile while pronounsing it =) Here we have a turkey - Индюк.
Й is the second and the last Russian letter with an acсent. The pronounciation is not far from "Y" in the English Yoghurt - Йогурт.
К is pronounced like the first letter of "cat" or "kiwi". On the picture we have a cat as well - Кот, Кошка.
Л is the same as L, for example in the word "letter". On the picture we see the fox - Лиса.
M is the same as latin M. Examples: mother, mama. Here we have a bear - Медведь - with some huney - Мёд.
It's important to remember that the russian H sound like latin "N" and have nothing similar with the latin "H". Examples: nose, nanorobotes. On the picture we have a fox with forget-me-not flowers - Незабудка.
О is the same as latin O. Here we have a donkey - Ослик.
П came from Greek Pi (Ππ) and pronounsed like a Latin P. Exaples: pappy, papa. On the picture we see a bee - Пчела.
Р is pronounced as Latin R, but the Russian one is quite strong, similar to the Spanish one. Say it like you are imitating a tiger. On the picture we have a fish - Рыба.
In Russian we have the only one C pronounced as "s" in enlish, "ç" or "ss" in French. English: sound, soft, sweet. French: garçon, poisson. On the picture we see an owl - Сова.
Т is the same as Latin "t". Take, type. Here we have a dachshund - Такса.
У is pronounced as French "ou" or not far from the English "oo". Examples: broom, moon, mouiller, fou. On the picture we see a snail - Улитка.
Ф came from Greek Phi (Φφ). Pronounced as latin "f". Examples: funny, fou. Fountain - Фонтан.
Tho sound Х doesn't exist neither in English no in French. Take a deep breath, open you mouth, than breath out strongly - here is the nearest sound. One the picture we see the tail - Хвост.
Ц sound like English "ts" - tsar. Here we have a chick - Цыпленок.
Ч souns as an Eglish "ch" - patch. On the picture we see a tortle - Черепаха.
Ш sound as English "sh" (Shower) or a French "ch" (Chance). On the picture is a cone - Шишка.
Щ is particular, just listen it. Pronounce Ш and smile, it should help for Щ. Pike - Щука.
Ь - soft mark. Make the pronouciation of some letters softer.
Ы is particular. Try to say У and smile. You should get smth similar. Cheese - сЫр.
Ъ - hard mark. Doesn't change any pronouciation, it's useed in a grammatical part.
Э sound like an English A (Apple). Choc-ice - Эскимо.
Ю sounds as English "you". South - Юг.
Я sounds as English "ya". Apple - Яблоко.
Now we know all 33 letters of Russian alphabet, let's start speaking! =)
Before to get started you can print a support document to make notes. File => Print (PDF)
А sounds like a french "A" (bra, Amerique, mama). The English word that gives a similas sound is "proud". On the picture we see the stork - Аист.
Б sounds same as a french "B" (bra, barbe) or as an Enlish one in the name Bob. On the picture we the the squirrel - Белка.
B is pronounsed as "V", like Volvo. On the picture you have a crow - Ворона.
Г corresponds to the Gamma in Greek (Γγ) and pronounces like "G" in globe or a dog. On the picture you have some mushrooms - Грибы.
Д came from the Greek language where it's called Delta (Δδ). Pronounced like a latin D, but a little stronger. On the picture we see a house - Дом.
The nearest sound for Е is the first one in the word "Yes". On the picture you have a big Christmas tree that is still in the forest - Ель.
Ё is often written as E, but the pronounciation is different. It looks more like the first sound in English "yo" or "yours". On the picture we have a hedgehog - Ёж or ёжик.
Ж pronounsed like a first sound in french names such as Georges and Jean. Here we have a beetle - Жук.
З look like a number 3 and is pronounced as Z in zero or french "s" in poison. Here we have a hare - Заяц.
Don't mix russian И and latin N, moreover И is pronouced like "ee" in the word deep. You should smile while pronounsing it =) Here we have a turkey - Индюк.
Й is the second and the last Russian letter with an acсent. The pronounciation is not far from "Y" in the English Yoghurt - Йогурт.
К is pronounced like the first letter of "cat" or "kiwi". On the picture we have a cat as well - Кот, Кошка.
Л is the same as L, for example in the word "letter". On the picture we see the fox - Лиса.
M is the same as latin M. Examples: mother, mama. Here we have a bear - Медведь - with some huney - Мёд.
It's important to remember that the russian H sound like latin "N" and have nothing similar with the latin "H". Examples: nose, nanorobotes. On the picture we have a fox with forget-me-not flowers - Незабудка.
О is the same as latin O. Here we have a donkey - Ослик.
П came from Greek Pi (Ππ) and pronounsed like a Latin P. Exaples: pappy, papa. On the picture we see a bee - Пчела.
Р is pronounced as Latin R, but the Russian one is quite strong, similar to the Spanish one. Say it like you are imitating a tiger. On the picture we have a fish - Рыба.
In Russian we have the only one C pronounced as "s" in enlish, "ç" or "ss" in French. English: sound, soft, sweet. French: garçon, poisson. On the picture we see an owl - Сова.
Т is the same as Latin "t". Take, type. Here we have a dachshund - Такса.
У is pronounced as French "ou" or not far from the English "oo". Examples: broom, moon, mouiller, fou. On the picture we see a snail - Улитка.
Ф came from Greek Phi (Φφ). Pronounced as latin "f". Examples: funny, fou. Fountain - Фонтан.
Tho sound Х doesn't exist neither in English no in French. Take a deep breath, open you mouth, than breath out strongly - here is the nearest sound. One the picture we see the tail - Хвост.
Ц sound like English "ts" - tsar. Here we have a chick - Цыпленок.
Ч souns as an Eglish "ch" - patch. On the picture we see a tortle - Черепаха.
Ш sound as English "sh" (Shower) or a French "ch" (Chance). On the picture is a cone - Шишка.
Щ is particular, just listen it. Pronounce Ш and smile, it should help for Щ. Pike - Щука.
Ь - soft mark. Make the pronouciation of some letters softer.
Ы is particular. Try to say У and smile. You should get smth similar. Cheese - сЫр.
Ъ - hard mark. Doesn't change any pronouciation, it's useed in a grammatical part.
Э sound like an English A (Apple). Choc-ice - Эскимо.
Ю sounds as English "you". South - Юг.
Я sounds as English "ya". Apple - Яблоко.
Now we know all 33 letters of Russian alphabet, let's start speaking! =)
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